Monday, July 22, 2013

Watching the Unschooling Pieces Crumble - Part 9 of Dealings With a Guru

The Last Post

I have backups of my blog, in several places, in case anything ever happened to me and the information needed to be accessed. I only say this because I am aware of what they are capable of.

This is MY last “planned” blog entry regarding Martin anything, aside from any personal experience that others have not shared just yet or anything I may need to respond to that unexpectedly comes up.

While mulling over Dayna’s last blog, I attempted to respond and realized that I would simply be repeating myself. I have said what I need to say, so I look forward to working on a happier and healthier blog, later on down the road. I have found a sense of closure with where I am at. I am releasing positive intent toward anyone that still needs to heal from this beautiful disaster and I am available to speak to if you need that, as well. I have done what I can do to remind people that you do not need a guru in your life and that you are more powerful than you will ever know. Take care of yourself and fall in love with your families again. This is the path you are meant to be on, so embrace where you are, who you are, and respect the journey that is unfolding for you every day. YOU are what matters in your child’s life. Peace and thank you for being part of my own journey.


  1. This is beautiful! It sounds like you've gotten what you need from blogging about the Martins and are coming to a peace within yourself. I was prepared to read a post like the others, and was pleasantly surprised to see what you wrote.
    Just beautiful. You made me smile.

    Valerie Fitzenreiter

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    1. Magickal, this makes my heart happy! Thank you!

  3. Thanks Jen for your courage to share all this. I know some thought it was excessive but I think if you hadn't gone into so much detail more people would have blown it off like they did with previous warnings about Dayna.

    I'm glad you and Patti have gained some healing from this process and I can only hope that Dayna and her family will eventually too. (I know you're not holding your breath but you never know!) :)

    I do think you've helped countless other parents reclaim their own power and hear their inner guidance again!

    Heaps of Love,

  4. I'll go ahead and echo the sentiment that your series here seems to have provided a needed closure for yourself as well as other burn victims. Beautiful closing Jenn. Enjoy your summer xo

  5. It is very understandable that you are hurt, angry and disillusioned by Dayna's actions. I also believe she is dangerous to the unschooling community, but for different reasons. I believe Dayna is sick and either refuses treatment or hasn't been diagnosed yet. She seems to be self medicating with drugs and alcohol instead of psychiatric meds. Also, LOA is dangerous for someone with untreated mental illness. LOA encourages a state of heightened positivity that for a person with mental illness is known as mania. Mania causes erradic behavior such as binge drinking, inappropriate sexual advances and delusional thinking. Sometimes it can even lead to psychosis which can be deadly for the person or those around them. I hope Dayna will get help as she has many people looking up to her. I used to belong to her Yahoo group, but it was very much like a cult. Only positive posts received support from Dayna or the group. People with real life problems were ignored. Very extreme ideas about parenting were being discussed as though they had merit. It was scary and this is why I believe that she is dangerous unless and until she gets help. I hope your blog will open some eyes.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your own experiences with her, Hope! I agree that it would be best for everyone if the help she needs is taken seriously by her close friends and family.

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