Thursday, July 18, 2013

Watching the Unschooling Pieces Crumble - Part 6 of Dealings With a Guru

Wrapping up some more loose ends…..

Yesterday was a crazy day. I put out blog 4, thinking I was adding some unnecessary information in there, but so many thought it cinched up some gaps. Blog 5 was originally a part of blog 4 that had to be separated because of length. Blog 5 brought with it some interesting feelings. I was overwhelmed with the posting of the sex convo, as I did not know it’s relevance for sure, but felt I still needed to reflect some more of the fuckupedness that we dealt with. I know, how could I need more evidence? Anyway, as many of you know, I deleted the paste of that message because I appreciated the announcement of refunds for anyone that felt like they needed to cancel their RE registration. Here is the statement from the Martin’s…….

“Due to the recent situation with someone slandering me, I wanted to reach out and let any of you know that if you have decided to not attend due to what you read, please let me know and we will refund 100% of your registration. Dayna”

I was absolutely relieved to see that some of what I felt needed to be taken care of, was in fact, put out there as an offer. There were 2 people that received their money back pretty quickly and it was verified that it came from the RE account. Ok, some truth in business practices have been restored. Until this morning, that is. An individual asked a question this morning, on the RE page and the deleting began again. The question was about the refunding of money. There was also an email sent to the Martin’s, in regards to seeking a refund for the conference. Once the comment was deleted, this person was deleted and blocked from the group entirely and a message was returned to her, about the refund that stated it would be 45 days AFTER the conference was over, before she would receive the money. And then a second individual received the same message. Why is this still happening? In addition, there are registrants that have messaged me about the fact that the Martin’s are still deleting their posts, you are making them mad, proving my point, and effectively causing people to not attend, that just had simple questions or concerns.

The word on the street is that maybe they have run out of money. Ok, so without having to go in to the detail of the 40K she told us that she had already made from RE, let’s say that they are short on money. You would then say, wow, we did not realize that so many people would want refunds and we just have no more money to offer at this time. It will be after RE before we can get you the money. That would be a respectful explanation of what was going on. But instead, there is the continued blocking, deleting, and lying, when they just said that they would refund the money 12 hours before. My question is this…..why on earth is anyone going to believe this? You have done nothing to show you are a trustworthy company and once the conference is over, I believe you will be finding yourself in the negative or you will be somehow secretly pocketing the profit while saying you have none. Track records do not lie. Here is the message sent to those that have been chosen to not receive the refunds right away………

"We are happy to issue you a refund. You will receive the refund for registration within 45 days after the Rethinking Everything event. If you have any questions, please let us know."

Next issue with the refund message. The Martin’s just claimed that I am slandering them, which again, would mean that I am lying and none of these messages are real. So what you did was just blame me for your loss of profit, instead of yourselves. There is no telling what will be done with that information, but I will take a personal guess that it will be used for your gain with profit and loss paperwork. Always lookin to get the benefit.

Money is so very strange with all of these occurrences. Dayna cannot use her credit card at the grocery store because Joe will get mad, but then she insisted on purchasing a $260 dress for my daughter, which empties her account at home, and then she lies to Joe and tells him that my daughter just borrowed the money, AND then she is wanting to use a conference credit card to run away with us and go buy land.

I would again like to share with you the offer from Kathryn Baptista…….

If you are not refunded by the RE conference when you request one, Kathryn Baptista has offered to give a scholarship to anyone who would like to attend another conference in its place. The link to that conference is here................

The Sparkling Martin Blog:

I do not understand why this occurred, but the Sparkling Martin blog is now password protected and invitation only. What is accomplished by doing this? The blog cannot be seen now to allow for them to tell their story and I cannot reply to anything that was brought up because I cannot see it. No one, unless invited, can get their side of things to even see which one of us is more credible. I would love for someone to explain what they have to gain from this? Are they in there plotting some revenge against me? Is she describing in detail all of the pain I am putting her through so others will feel more sorry for her? So, when someone inquired, Joe said that the “blog is taking a nap”.

Joe’s comment on a blog:

This message was posted on a blog yesterday. I don’t know what Joe is thinking, but I was under the impression that they were trying to give the world a view of their innocence in all of this. They are pretending to not say nasty things, while going and doing it in secret anyway. Here is the message from Joe………

“I can not even Begin to tell you how much it saddens me to see your comment. Dayna was treated like shit by these people in real life and now online. They wanted Dayna to move in with them and be a 2nd wife. the GREENS are crazy people. Dayna said no sorry and baam fatal attraction all day long. SOrry to post this here but i can not find any other way to contact you.”

Soooooooo, what? It is getting WAY clearer at this point. We knew that something was being said to convince him that we were wrong and she was right. But what could it be? Well, this does explain it in very clear terms. Apparently, Dayna was able to assemble a story that would get her off the hook for every single thing that happened in Texas. My educated guess of how this played out is………..

1.      We treated her like shit while she was here, by providing her with every need she had, but she tells Joe that she was held hostage here and she had nowhere to escape to.

2.      I am treating her like shit, online, by telling the truth after she lied about me to everyone she spoke to, but she tells Joe that all 15 of us are making everything up, even Patti that had her money refunded, due to Dayna being unable to complete her mission.

3.      We wanted Dayna to move in with us by telling her that she would have a safe place to come to IF she had to leave her abusive husband, she told us that she was going to lie to her children and say they were going on vacation, so that she could get away safely with her kids, but she tells Joe that we demanded that she move here immediately be our 2nd wife.

4.      Dayna begged us to let her find escape with us, while attempting to offer to support us with all of her endeavors and we would never have to work again because she will be getting 50K an episode for her UK unnanny show, but she tells Joe that she said no way and then we kicked her out for not obeying. Which is it, was she sick with something or was she our slave that week? Pick one.

5.      Who is boiling rabbits and had to be removed to get her away from children? And why didn’t you contact my friend on facebook, Joe? You guys were still friends the day that you sent this message. And why would you put this on a blog that is about Life Rocks? Do you know people get emails when a post is made?

Sociopathic behavior – what can I get from someone that I want and what can I make them take from me that I want them to have? Every transaction with Dayna is supported by that statement.

I have read in Dayna’s blog that she is receiving threatening messages and she is concerned for the safety of her and her family. If you are receiving threats, then please contact the police. No one has the right to threaten your life and the authorities should know about those or you should post them out in the open for people to see. Call them out on it! My guess is that you are not receiving these messages because I have been told by you that you love the drama and all attention is good attention, even the haters just help you right along in your quest to become stronger. Any time there is an event in your life, I believe you make up the fact that you have these aggressive haters, so you can look more important. It happened after wife swap when you asked your fans to go post on your behalf, it happened on Amazon when you asked your fans to give you sparkling reviews on your book, it happened after you were on a radio show, it happened when you were invited to speak at conferences, and it happened when you and a certain unschooling friend had words recently. I think you may have a problem with self importance. This is the message she sent me when talking about her unschooling friend that she was angry at….

Dayna Martin
I think she was influenced by one of my haters...
I have a few now and LOVE it ;)

Ok, so suicide threats……………..

Suicide is a very real problem and although I believe that it is the decision of the individual, I also think that we should do anything in our power to help someone that is contemplating suicide. Let me be very clear, the first suicide comment that was brought to my attention occurred on Tuesday, May 28th, after Dayna had been gone from our home for 24 hours. The phone call I received was someone that was very concerned about her and wanted some answers. When we found this out, the person referred to as the transporter and Patti, both returned to Patti’s home to check on Dayna and intervene if necessary. The next time that I was introduced to her threatening suicide was in a conversation that occurred between Dayna and her husband. The basic overview is that she said I will just kill myself and he said no you won’t, they talked about how he was sick of her always getting what she wants and a few minutes later, suicide was threatened again and Joe blew it off. What this did was give me the impression that he was used to hearing these threats and that he did not believe her or he would have said something else or taken action by calling someone to help her at the safe house. This is a call for attention with her. She loves herself too much to do anything harmful to her own body.

So, just to be safe, you all know that I messaged her friend Josha, because she is a therapist. You know how well that went over. You also know about the message on Josha’s wall, insinuating that I did nothing for Dayna to help her. I have since spoken to another of Dayna’s friends, who is a counselor, and sent a message to Dayna to offer her services of help if they are needed at this time. The email was ignored. Josha then posted on her wall about how being bullied can lead to suicide, insinuating that she is concerned about Dayna and that I will be the cause of her suicide since I have been called a bully numerous times by those close to her. The same friend that messaged Dayna directly, also commented on Josha’s post about how to get Dayna help if she is in this much trouble. Josha said some flighty crap about us all living in our pain bodies and everyone is wrapped up in stuff that isn’t real. Huh? Didn’t you just post about bullying and suicide and then ignore that any of it matters because we are just in our “pain body”? I am officially done talking about the concern of Dayna and suicide. I think I and many others have asked enough times for her to get help. This was the response from Josha and it is now in their court……..

“I know you are trying to be helpful in a way that feels good to you. I know that when people are not their best self they can do and say some pretty crazy things. I know that many people are acting from their pain body's right now and well that's just what we do until we don't. All that I can hope is that everyone hunker down and do their own work. This whole "event" has allowed me to dig in deeper to past pain and suffering I endured as a child. If you want to continue to cut and past and post private conversations on facebook, that is absolutely your choice, if you want to have a conversation I am happy to have that. I do know that when people are not centered and they are reactive they can say and do some pretty awful things. I do know public shaming is not good for anyone. Inflaming the whole victim perpetrator dance is not something I want to participate in. I personally am grateful for my journey through this. There is so much attack and defense happening and from my perspective it's all the "stuff" that we are not that is bubbling up to the surface, now all we can do is move through it.”

Enough for now. I still have not gotten a chance to respond to her blog 2 and 3, so those will hopefully be on the next blogs. It all depends on what needs to be responded to the most. I am taking a much needed break tomorrow, so I will check back in over the weekend. Peace.





  1. Jennifer, if what you say is true, I definitely sympathize with you. However, you could have gone about this in a better way. You could have simply gotten out that word that Dayna's unanny services weren't all they were cracked up to be, a waste of money, a rip off, fraud etc. There is never a reason to post the intimate details of someone's life, mental illness or sexual preferences in a public forum. And then to go on and on for days....we get it. Shame on you for kicking someone when they are down. Get over it, make a clean break and move on. You sound like a catty tween.

    1. She is not down, she is hiding. I really really do not get it when someone comes here to read my blog if they don't want to read it? Makes zero sense to me. It is not my issue that you find this catty and me a tween. Why are you here reading a catty tween novel if you have no interest?

    2. I agree with Carlie. This amount of personal disclosure in a public forum is inappropriate at a minimum. Sure it's been an interesting read, but its time for Jen to stop. It's getting vindictive, it's painful to watch and undoubtedly more painful to be on the receiving end. As can be clearly evidenced by Dayna's latest sparkling blog.

      We get the point, SHE gets the point, just stop already, please.

      If I were Dayna I would have moved on from feeling bad and remorseful about the whole thing to getting ANGRY with the Greens. Nobody should have that much of their personal life published openly. This is what drives some folks over the edge, and if that is Jen's goal she's doing a great job.

    3. What people are completely missing here is that it was Dayna herself who put her private life on display. She makes money from her private life. Geez, she went on Wife Swap (reality show) and she and Joe allegedly were touting around a pilot of a reality show based on their family life. You can't get more exposure than that. You can't expose the good of your private life and charge money for people to be like you, without risking that the bad can be exposed too. And from what I can see from Dayna's blogs (albeit edited every 5 mins) is that she is STILL not talking responsibility for what happened. She's still trying to say this is somehow the Green's fault. Also she still is not allowing negative comments through. Why not present the entire picture Dayna?

  2. Also, judging by your dramatic flair and ranting, I think you've exaggerated the events that took place.

    1. Here is the are seeing Dayna as a normal human being who is not harming anyone. This is not the case. The reason it may seem like I am exaggerating is because Dayna exaggerates everything that she does and, in return, I have to reflect that to show who I was dealing with. Your opinion is more than welcome, but I can not say anything else to you to help you see the sociopath she is. Do not visit my next blog if it is too real for you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Magickal, great point! "kids with real issues apparently are too much for the Big D to handle". Right on the mark. I watched it happen right in front of my face while she was here.

    2. She's already exposed her lies with what she wrote on her blog. She claimed the unnanny family were too difficult for her (or something to this effect), and this explanation is part of the reason things went wrong. So let's think about this..... if this were true, why on earth did she agree to go back a second time to unnanny them? Surely the first time was enough to show her she was out of her depth. Really think about this folks - it doesn't add up.

    3. London Girl! BINGO!
      Magickal Housewife: One of my kids has bipolar tendencies so I completely get where you were...and am completely disgusted that anyone, ESPECIALLY a "therapist" and "LOA expert" would tell you to quit telling your "same ole tired story". Any "professional" worth much would know that parenting these types of children is not just a tired life but an exhausting one much of the time, ESPECIALLY during those manic phases. And Dayna certainly saw that side of my child...the first time!!! p.s. I would love to know how you have handled/are handling things now and if they are better. These are the kinds of connections I want to make now...real life, real people, real experiences...Patti

    4. And, London Girl...SHE messaged me; initiated the second visit..she did not "agree" to come back; she asked to come back! Just to clarify...

    5. Patti, I remembered something very important which exposes Dayna's lies further. When she came back from her first unnanny visit with you, she declared on Facebook that it had been THE best unnanny experience she'd ever had. Do you remember that? It stuck in my memory because I thought this comment was hugely insensitive to the other unnanny families she had worked with.

      Recently she wrote this about your family in one of her blogs: "a very challenging family who had expectations that I wasn't in a position with my health to meet.... I bit off SO much more than I could chew...." Hmmm, this statement completely flies in the face of what she said about you on Facebook!

      Also, at that same time, she posted a picture of the party you "threw" for her, failing to mention that the party (for herself) was actually her idea and you were pressurized into it! Another example of stretching the truth. This isn't particularly important in the whole scheme of things, but it does expose how everything she says cannot be trusted, as she can't even be honest about a simple party - it seems she forces people to do things for her, so she can turn around and show us all how much she is adored!

    6. Thank you London! Very good points..........

  4. Carlie, I made that same argument in the past, in another forum, defending this guru (or at least defending my version of online ethics). I think you misunderstand, as I did then, the nature of the beast. Jennifer has been an active part of the Radical Unschooling community. A community that, as far as multitudes of evidence suggests, has been taken advantage of by a sociopath. A sociopath whose many businesses are predicated on intimate relationships built on trust of her character. Exposing her real character to those who would shell out, in some cases, thousands of dollars but more importantly entrust the future of their family and their children's mental health to her is not being "catty." This is real life. It's happenings are occasionally dramatic and have real consequences whether you ignore them or address them, but especially when you ignore them. If her actions hurt only herself, or if her product was shoeshine, this discussion would not be happening. If a simple "beware, she ripped me off!" would suffice to make a difference, this discussion would not be happening. I think the consequences fit the crime. She has put herself in a leadership position that puts children at risk and other families have a right to know exactly how.

    1. Victoria, thank you so much! You were able to explain that so so perfectly! If you do not mind, may I ask which forum and what timeline you are referring to when you say you defended her?

    2. Hi Jennifer. The comments were on an article at thelivingfreeproject about science and radical unschooling, that was in support of that barrel of oranges post a number of months ago. I was feeling at the time that it was unethical to cut and paste private discussions and comments from private forums to discredit someone because you disagree with their philosophy or approach. I believe I accused them of slander in not so many words. I can't seem to navigate their site to find it. Laurette Lynn can vouch for it if she's here observing, still.

    3. I'm trying to make some sense of this and I still don't understand why you were feeling her to be such a threat "psychotic" that your husband had to stay with her, and you continue to sleep with a knife under your bed 6 weeks later....and yet you sent her to the unnanny job household for overnight the next day. Something is missing there. Surely that level of concern you wouldn't want to put on the family already having so many problems. If protecting families is really your motive...why would you do that?

    4. Shamala, there was no reason "at the time" to think she would be a danger to children. The realization of that particular concern did not appear until after she was gone. Those things that made us realize that she was a danger to children were phone calls, messages, and accounts from the kids themselves. She was a danger to my family that Sunday night. I did not send her over to Patti's to get her out of here. We wanted Dayna gone, period, we did not care where. Patti personally offered (her idea) to take her in and Dayna agreed because she did not have another option at that time. I would have called the police if it had gone on any longer, but she left with Patti at 3pm Monday. The "hope" was that she was distraught over living an inauthentic life and she was trying to drown herself in alcohol. Patti and I felt that if she went to a home with no alcohol, she would sober up. She did not. She took alcohol with her to Patti's. We also thought that the kids might cause her to snap out of it and she would sleep it off and become the unnanny again the next day. This did not happen, so when faced with a decision to do what was best for everyone, we helped her get to a safer place. It sounds like you are under the assumption that I have anything to do with where she goes or not. I had zero to do with her job here, except to get her places and provide her lodging. I did not "send" her. Also, you are very right, things are missing from the story. I explained that very thing in my first blog. Those experiences that have not been presented yet are not my place to describe. Those who are still planning to share are my husband, Patti's daughter, and the person who transported Dayna to the safe house. I will also add that, as I said in my first blog, I am not here to convince anyone of anything. Take what resonates for you and ignore the rest. This blog serves as our side of the events so educated decisions can be made by anyone wishing to become involved in the personal or business practices of the Martin's.

    5. Yes Victoria, I am observing. The blog you are referring to is linked within this entry:

      Other critical pieces dating back originally to 2009 (circa) are collected here:

      Critical podcasts are here:
      Or general podcasts on free-learning are:


      The UM team, Guests and especially I have criticized much, yes. However, we did not and do not slander.

      This is all extraordinarily interesting and more useful than it may seem to the home Ed community.
      I can only speak from observation, and have, as I have not any personal interaction with the Martin's (or the Dodd's.... The two Kingdoms of Unschooling) but I have indeed observed a great deal. So far, this is the most intricately detailed and articulate report.
      I'm pondering right now whether the Martin's will capitalize with an opportunity to emerge with a new brand of "healed and new" to pedal. I smell a book deal and new blog. I could be wrong. I hope, for the sake of vulnerable new parents everywhere, that I am.
      In any case, it took real set of ballz to put this out Jenn. Goodonya for that.

    6. Laurette - I was thinking the same thing - "I know I wasn't being honest before, but now I am healed and have seen the light!" Will they make a rebound and resurrect something from this? I truly hope that the RU community is not that naive, though time and time again it seems to be proven that they are.

  5. This really must be criminal by now. Jenn stop this. Sorry your heart is broken. This has been enough.

    1. Joe I'm so sorry for you in all of this. I actually feel for you as I believe you are being taken for a ride by your wife. Really think about her story of the Greens wanting to take a second wife. Let's examine this - do you really think if they wanted a second wife they would proposition Dayna about this? Surely they would proposition someone who's actually available to them, someone they could realistically make that happen with. Not someone who's ecstatically happy in her marriage, who has four kids and a seemingly happy family life. It's a bit like trying to have an affair with sometime truly committed to their spouse - with the best will in the world it just isn't going to happen. And why would the Greens want to break up a happy family just for their own gain? It just doesn't add up no matter which way you look at it. Also I think Dayna got this story from Wife Swap. A few episodes before your own one there was a guy with 2 girlfriends. It seems more likely that she got her story from there to cover her tracks regarding what really happened. But hey, if you really need to believe your wife that's up to you. I personally don't believe this story one bit. I wish you well Joe, and I truly do feel sorry for you in all of this.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Many are saying that Jennifer is blowing things out of proportion or making too big a deal out of what happened. I had a few moments myself, of, "Whoa, maybe enough is enough?" But then I sat back and watched and thought a lot about the whole picture. DM has done more harm for the unschooling life than anyone I've heard about, yet she's been putting herself out there as an expert - a pioneer.
    From so many posts, it seems she doesn't even like children.

    I think what Jennifer is doing took lots of courage and fortitude. She has spent countless hours putting her experiences with DM out there for all to see and all to critique. But mainly, and I think most importantly, she has brought people out of the woodwork who have been hurt and/or affected negatively by a self-proclaimed guru who takes takes takes. Why is this important?

    Because people need to talk about the injustices they have incurred in order to heal. AND people who are naive about the travesty that is DM and are considering shelling out big bucks to bring her into their homes need to be warned.

    If Jennifer had just said, "Man, that DM is not a good person and you better be wary," then all of this hoopla would not have happened and people would be in the dark and DM would be continuing her reign of terror on all who unknowingly invited her into their lives.

    I applaud Jennifer and the work she's done to facilitate the risk you are taking when you make DM a part of your life, your home and your family.

    Thank you, Jennifer!

    Valerie Fitzenreiter

    1. Thank you so much V! I do know it is hard to believe my explanations of the events that took place. It has now been 7 weeks and I finally feel like she has less of a hold on my sanity, because I have shared and talked it out. I did not do this on a whim at all. Yes, I decided that enough was enough a week ago, but the story itself has been reenacted a million times in my head and through messages with the others (8000 of them). The only thing that helped is that we wrote down everything that happened to make sense of it all and find out what everyone else was told by Dayna. She is so good at severing ties between friends and that is how she has gotten away with all of this in the past. She was not able to do that here. I am grateful for my family and my friends who supported every step I have taken toward justice.

    2. Oh no, not hard to believe your explanations, not at all! I can tell how much thought you put into opening up before you actually opened up.

      As far as I'm concerned, you are Toto. You pulled back the curtain on the faux Wizard of Oz.

      A supportive friend,

  7. If Josha is a therapist, then I am anorexic. Sheesh!

  8. I agree that the situation needed to be shared with the community. However, it's been more than shared. It feels cruel to drag it out like this.

  9. I totally agree with Sara. I found your initial 2 posts very interesting and Dayna fell off her pedestal. That was a very positive experience for me as it has taught me to stop looking to authors for guidance believing they are experts and instead listen to my own guidance. Saying all that Dayna still taught me lessons that will never be undone because they have become my joyful way of life with my children. Your first two posts were written with integrity, the later ones I am afraid have a strong sense of bullying or playground slagging. Quit before your message is lost in a slanging match. The public dont need to see that. Your message was loud and clear, dont let it get lost in "he said she said" nonsense.

    1. Sara and Ali, I truly do not understand the problem here. If you are not interested in the information, then do not read my other blog posts. I can not control what people decide to read, only what I write and I plan to write until my story is complete and I can move on........

    2. I thought it felt like a little too much, too, until I realized this blog is providing a record of the posts the Martins make, then their inevitable revisions and deletions that follow. It's more than just "s/he said s/he said", the Martins are possibly still attempting to cash in on people's blind following of them (legal fund, anyone?), and will continue to take advantage of people. The more records of their manipulations out there, the better.

      Caren Knox

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. (I deleted my first one because of a typo I couldn't repair otherwise.
    I deleted the second one because the links needed html enlightenment, and I had cut the end off when I moved the first one. Very sorry.)

    -=-I can only speak from observation, and have, as I have not any personal interaction with the Martin's (or the Dodd's.... The two Kingdoms of Unschooling) but I have indeed observed a great deal. -=-

    There are no kingdoms. There are no two factions.

    The title of this blog series is unfortunate. Unschooling is fine. Dayna is not "unschooling" itself. Unschooling is not about Dayna.

    Anyone wanting a new picture of unschooling to replace the skewed version Dayna is selling might want to subscribe to Pam Laricchia's introductory series. It's the best intro there's ever been to unschooling. It's free.

    Anyone wanting something more uplifting than the recent collection of problems might want to subscribe to Just Add Light and Stir. It's free.

    Unschooling isn't a kingdom, and it's not a group, and it's not a community. It's a way of living with one's children. There can be real calm and peace, and REAL learning, and strong families, but not when there's a lot of noise about "being radical" and tough and wild and "truly free."

    The "radical" in "radical unschooling" was never intended to be about politics or being "out there." It's about understanding it to the roots, and really living that way, in all aspects of one's life.

    What is truly free is the information that has been available since before Dayna came along and figured if nobody else was trying to make a living off unschoolers that she and Joe should.

    No one should. No one needs to. The information is free, and has been since before Dayna had children.
