Monday, July 15, 2013

Watching the Unschooling Pieces Crumble - Part 3 of Dealings With a Guru

So, at this point in all of this revealing that is going on, I have somehow gotten the idea in my head that Dayna will stop to think before, once again, taking on an old characteristic that she claims to have left behind in the rediscovery of herself. No, not happening. Can we go one day without an action that makes it a little too easy to reflect on in my very unprofessional looking blog? I bring up the point of unprofessional because, well, it looks pretty crappy. When someone visits and reads my words. I would rather them not have to use their finger to hold their spot or be able to read a paragraph on their phone without it being just plain boring and ugly. I am also so tired from writing papers for school that grammar may not be at its peak level. Ugliness aside, I am sharing words and they have great meaning and they are in stone, so to speak, because who writes a blog post and edits it 9 times after they have posted it? Who takes the written history of the important points they spent time writing and deeply feeling and completely refabricates it to fit the new mood they are in or to change the story they claimed was the absolute truth just the day prior? That would be Dayna Martin (bashing, I get it, I am mad).

As she does anytime she screws up, she changes her story once she learns what the listener would like to hear. She claims without a shadow of a doubt that what she says is solid and then adds, changes, deletes as she is reminded that real humans may have feelings of remorse. She simply mirrors the right response. Taking history and changing it is a lie. It does not matter if it was a lie the first time or a lie the second time, just watch the progression and the morphing of the real story of the minute. Is this her growing a conscience, you may ask? No, sociopaths do not grow those. They only grow their repertoire of logged human emotions and reactions. She is playin you guys. Just look at the facts she has shown you. Not the facts I am presenting, but the facts she is reflecting for you like the batman spotlight. Btw,  if someone has a copy of each different progression of her blog, I would love to have it. She got to that one before I could. Score one for Dayna!

So again, I just wrote a few paragraphs that I did not have any plan to write until just now. I need to stop getting side tracked. The point of this particular blog is to share the side of the unnanny family and to reflect their separate experience with Dayna Martin. The unnanny mom (Patti) is my friend and she has been for about 7 years. Our friendship was very solidified when she was struggling to find that mother in her that she longed to be. We had been unschooling for 5 years at this point and I introduced her to it. I loved Dayna and shared with her that Dayna can help her with things I may not be knowledgeable about. Dayna is good or, in essence, she is the shit that don’t stink. She was the parent you strive to be. Patti and Dayna planned an unnanny call and then while my family was at Life Rocks, Dayna let us know she was coming to Texas in 3 weeks. We were all excited and I offered our RV for her to stay in since she doesn’t ever stay with the families she works with (lie) and we just happened to be a few miles away from Patti. The date came and the first unnanny visit was underway.

As mentioned in the first blog post, there will still be holes that may make it sound like things have been omitted. That is only to protect those that have not chosen to share their stories at this time. On a side note, I got to hear the introduction to my husband’s experience today. I am glad he is sharing last because he would put my writing to shame. He is good with words and likes to talk about spiders a lot. Sydni (10yo) has also decided to write her story, so I look forward to that, if she feels safe enough. Ok, so to the important part of blog 3, Patti Stephens. The rest is all her words (way too nice, in my opinion), so I am referencing that now and not putting quotes around any of it.

Vodka and Trauma Counselors – The Unnanny Experience

I honestly don’t even know where to begin with the story of my journey around Dayna Martin, the Unnanny.  I will share my experiences, as they occurred in my home, but I cannot even begin to express or convey the emotional and behavioral upheaval that the experiences created; for both me, my children and everyone involved.

Even as I sit here and reflect on the events that occurred, the hours of heartache with my children, my family of choice, and the time, energy and money we invested, I am still left with these nagging feelings of:

(1) Mistrusting  Myself:  Why didn’t I listen to my gut…after all my journey toward unschooling has absolutely been about listening to my gut so I know what that feels like?

(2) Anger:  Why, why, why did I expose my kids to her especially after I strongly sensed she was not at all here, in Texas, for our family, but rather for her own personal agenda with the Greens?  Note:  HER agenda, not the Greens!

(3) Sadness:  Yes I still even feel sadness and empathy for Dayna, because I know, deep down something is terribly broken and wounded, being manifested in the world in the most fraudulent way:  pretending to help children and families. 


So, our family consists of me and my four kids, ages 10, 7, 6, and 6.  I am a “single” parent in that my partner lives 2 ½ hours away.  She cares for her mother who has Alzheimer’s, so I am the only parent in the home.  My ex (the kids other mom) and their “dad” (Sydni’s biological dad and “daddy” to the three adopted children) have a presence in the kids life but it is not by any means a consistent, “traditional” arrangement for children of “divorce”.  They love the kids and absolutely are concerned about their well-being.  I say all that to explain that I made the decision to unschool with their hesitant blessing.  They understand and are supportive of the fact that I am the one with them 24/7 and I must follow what I feel is in the best interest of the kids.  Dayna (her book, her blog, her website) was the source I would send them to for educating themselves about RU and what I was trying to accomplish.

Our family officially began our unschooling in March of this year.  I was connected to the Greens and Whole Life Unschooling, a Facebook support group run by Dayna’s husband, Joe, but like most newbies, I was insecure, feeling very alone,  vulnerable, questioned, judged and all those dynamics that a major, misunderstood shift brings.  I knew in my heart, and still do today, that this is absolutely the path we are supposed to be on.  I also found, in my searching for answers, that there are very few “single” parents, and especially no families with the dynamics of ours. My intention in reaching out to Dayna for professional help was solely to help me shift more easily into Radical Unschooling and gain confidence as an unschooling mother so that we could live a more loving, peaceful life.  Everything she promoted led me to believe she could help.

Unnanny Session #1

I had an initial phone consultation with Dayna Martin at the end of March.  That went well but it didn’t even begin to scratch the surface.  I knew of her unnanny services, in fact, our family had joked often in the past that we could sure use the services of the popular television SuperNanny.  I discussed this with the other adults and they agreed so we scheduled our first unnanny visit for the end of April, after Life Rocks.  We were all excited.  The kids and I watched Wife Swap (which looking back only added to the intensity of their emotions as they were completely star struck).  I was hopeful and excited as well.  

Scheduling her flight was a bit of a nightmare in that we used “daddy’s” flight miles to get her here so there was a lot of back and forth on that.  She told me that she would be staying with the Greens, which I thought odd because I thought she stayed with the families she helped.  Nowhere on the website did it mention hotel expenses being paid for by the family but I didn't question it.  I emailed Dayna a week or so before the visit and asked if she wanted or needed any further information about our family before she came, knowing the intensity of our family dynamics and it was “a lot.” She said, “Nope, she had everything she needed”.  I thought that odd but also thought maybe Jennifer has explained some of it to her.  

Once her flight was booked, all scheduling or coordination of the visit was communicated via Jennifer (Green).   I thought that a little odd but brushed it off as Dayna being so busy with the “demands” of her after the Wife Swap episode.  I didn't really know what to expect as there was no communication from Dayna about what to expect other than her saying "it’s gonna be great; I am so excited to be able to help you and your family.”  I was told that they would be at my home from 10 to 6 for the two days and it was agreed that Jennifer would “observe” during the unnanny session, which I was fine with. She deferred to Jennifer a lot about what she thought, etc. There seemed to be a connection of deep friendship between them, although I also felt that Dayna "hid" behind her at times.  It seemed to me like she would talk to me through Jennifer, if that makes sense. I sensed a weird dynamic between the two that I couldn't put my finger on it.

Day 1

Things went well.  The first day was "observation" and after a few hours, the "new" wore off and the kids began to exhibit the behaviors that I needed help with:  fighting, physical aggression toward each other, yelling, and anger manifestations.  It was intense. Dayna seemed taken aback, like she didn't quite know what to do.  She spent time with the kids individually in their rooms and I watched her try to get to the "need" behind the behavior.  Two of my kids "fought" over her and wanted her undivided attention.  Looking back now, it seemed that was exhausting for her.  We made it through day one and at 6 it was discussed that day two would be implementing strategies and that she and Jen would process what had transpired on Day 1 and have a plan.  

Day 2

There was more connection with the kids and Dayna.  I tried to get more hands on involved.  Dayna taught me about strewing and introduced some activities so the kids wouldn't get "bored" and act out (which I agreed with.)  It was a fun day.  There was a  combination of interaction with the kids and when they wanted to go play, Dayna, Jen and I would "brainstorm" about things.  My partner arrived that morning and was around but did not connect at all with Dayna.  She is very shy and was skeptical as she got bad vibes from the onset.  The other two parents came over that afternoon, so out of the two days, all four of us only spent about an hour chatting with Dayna.  I don't even remember what we talked about other than their role in the kid’s lives.  

We were wrapping things up around 5 instead of the scheduled 6 as my youngest had to be at her gymnastics workout at 5 pm. Her State Meet was the following morning. Jen and Dayna were quietly talking amongst themselves and then Dayna said "I don't want to leave."   She asked if she could extend her return home one day as she felt she wanted to "wrap up" with our family the following evening (Saturday). The other parents would come over and we would cook out which was good because they could spend a little more time with Dayna too. I had overheard that she was going to go sailing with the Greens during the day Saturday.  My initial gut feeling was that she wasn't staying to "wrap up" with us but rather to extend her time with the Greens.  So, I changed her flight and paid another $75 to do so (she never offered to pay for this change and I didn’t want to make a scene so I just did it). The kids were thrilled, though disappointed she wasn't spending the day with them.  

Dayna said she loved surprises and that we should have a "party" for her going away without consideration that I had to get up at 5 am on Saturday and drive an hour for my youngest child’s state gymnastics meet and then get back to host this event.  That got them distracted and planning.  My oldest saw through it right away and said, "She is not staying here for us; she just wants to be with Kevin and Jennifer".  I knew she was right, but stuffed it as we had an action packed Saturday ahead. 

We got home from the meet at 12:30 pm and busted our butts to get things ready.  The kids wanted to decorate by making signs for the gate and hang lights so we could have a dance.  I ran to get supplies so we could have a silly string war.  It was pretty crazy.  When they arrived at 7:30 pm (30 minutes late) on Saturday, Dayna spent most of the time in tears and within 15 minutes of arrival, she disappeared. She was in one of the kids rooms crying and talking to Joe.  She said she really didn't want to leave us.  She didn't feel she had accomplished what she wanted to.  She said she was just having a hard time saying goodbye and that our family was so awesome and there was so much love and she felt there was so much more that she could do to help us, etc., etc.  I thought "how nice that she connected so well with the kids and our family"...and that we were special.  I know now her tears of sadness had nothing to do with us but that she didn’t want to leave the Greens.  I even said, "I know, we could have used a week” and Dayna said "Had I known how intense it was beforehand, I would have scheduled a week."  I thought back to me asking her if she needed any background info from me and how odd that "the unnanny" wouldn't ask that of her clients.  

When she left she said that Jennifer would follow up with us to see if we needed any help.  That was fine as I had been reaching out to Jennifer more for RU advice anyway.  We exchanged a few PM's...thank you's, appreciation, the kids miss you and kinda how they were acting around her leaving...that sort of thing.

Unnanny Session #2

Within a couple of days Dayna messaged me that she really wanted to come back which I immediately felt funny about.  I asked her why and she said, again, that she didn't feel like she really accomplished everything she wanted to. We talked about some of the things I needed help with:

§  transitioning between households

§  "bedtimes” (I am exhausted most of the time and wanted help with how to get them settled the RU way so I could get more rest)

§  grocery shopping (that is a nightmare with 4)

§  car etiquette


She was pretty "insistent" and wanted me to commit quickly because she had other people requesting her time and she wanted to give us priority. So I talked to my partner (the other parents pretty much were done with it; didn't feel it was beneficial to them) and we made the decision that it would be beneficial for Dayna to get to go to the farm (where my partner lives) and try to connect with her in her surroundings since the visit here in Fort Worth didn't go well for my partner.

Dayna initially said "$2,000 for a week" and I was like "no way we could do that" so then she said  "Whatever, I will work with you on the fee and the hours...I just want to come back and help."  We went back and forth on that, my gut knowing it absolutely was about the money.  She would say "Like for $850 I could work 4 hours a day for 6 days or 6 hours a day for 5 days..."  and I said "Dayna, if we're going to pay for you to come out here (because this trip we were paying full air fare, not using miles), we want to make it worth our time and money" and my partner was hoping for two full days at the farm so we paid the fee ($1,250 for 5 days) and booked her flight.  She would arrive on a Wednesday and return home the following Thursday making it 7 full days in Texas; five work days and two off days.  The kids were super excited and I was feeling skeptical.

Little things began to pop up before she came.  There were discrepancies in what she had told me regarding time and schedule.  Jen was the go between. She handed all control of the scheduling and communication to Jennifer, again.  So I got "the final" schedule that she would come to the farm on Friday (she was arriving on Wednesday but needed Thursday to "rest" and "prepare for her time with us"..and I only paid for 5 days).

We planned to leave the farm Saturday around noon and Dayna would drive back to Fort Worth with me and the kids and help us transition back at home; then Sunday was Scarborough Faire day (actually a day off and I was invited to go but couldn't afford to.)  Then Monday was a regular day at my house and Tuesday was RU group day at Jennifer’s and then she was done.  

This is how it played out: (kids and I went down Thursday to decorate the drive for a Texas friendly welcome....)

Day 1: Friday

They arrive at the farm around 10:30.  Dayna got out of the RV and was "mobbed" by kids. I immediately sensed something different/wrong.  I was always conscientious of them groveling for her attention because I sensed she was annoyed.  She said "it’s okay… it’s transition day" and they began to show her around the farm and introduce her to everything. It was hot so within an hour Dayna headed to the RV to take a break (I know now to have a drink) and this happened quite frequently… like every 30 minutes or so throughout the day. She was just not present from the beginning. We got through Friday without a whole lot of conversation about anything other than at mealtime, primarily with Kevin and Jen. The day ended with Dayna and two of the kids getting lost in the darkness on a country excursion and Kevin and I found them finally about 9:30 pm.  Dayna was freaked out!

Day 2: Saturday

Our "workday" usually starts at 10.  Karen and I were late getting breakfast on the table so Dayna, Kevin and Jen came in a little after 10 and we chatted while we finished breakfast and ate. Kevin, Jen, Karen and I chatted.  Dayna was really quiet.  The kids were playing with her hair and wanting her attention, but she could have participated.  I knew we were scheduled to leave around noon.  We ate around 11 and then Dayna announced that she was too sick to work (she had gotten too much sun the day before) and so she was going to go back with the Greens. I had already told Jen we weren't doing Scarborough Faire but had arranged for my oldest to go with their family.   I decided to stay at the farm and got up early Sunday to be back by 9 am. The kids had asked Dayna if she could please spend one night with us so she said "this works out perfect; I will come over on Monday and spend all day and night with you.  That way your mommy can get some rest."  I was livid… my gut was screaming louder and louder, "She is not here for you at all!"

Day 3:  Sunday

We left the farm at 6 am so the oldest could go to Scarborough Faire.  The Greens and Dayna arrived at 9:15 to pick up my oldest; there are some weird, funky vibes, but I brushed it off as me being pissed… and off they went.  I spent the day trying to make sense of what appeared to be unfolding with this experience.  I was getting madder and madder.  My head and my intuition were wrestling. They returned to my house around 8 pm to drop off.  I went out to the car and WHOA the energy was fucked up for sure.   I didn't ask questions, but just as they were leaving Jen said,  "We'll see ya tomorrow at 10:00."  Dayna said "11.”  Jen said something to the effect that she has got to work on school so Dayna needs to come work... maybe Kevin can bring her.  I said "11, 12, 1...whatever...just let me know.”  I was furious.  I texted Jen and said, "If I need to come get her, let me know.  I'm flexible... just lemme know what’s going on".  

I went inside and asked my daughter how her day was and she said, "Dayna got drunk!"  Nice.  Just two days ago, out of the blue, my daughter said, "You know what I don't understand?  When we were at Scarborough Fair, Dayna asked us (her and her BF) if we wanted to spend some time alone with her and we said ‘sure’ so we started walking and a few minutes later we went into a bar.  I told Dayna I thought we were gonna bungee jump…or ride ponies…and Dayna said, no we're gonna go in here.  This is fun."  I'm like WTF??  I asked my daughter how long they stayed and she said Dayna had a couple of drinks so maybe 20 or 25 minutes.  I asked her what she and her friend did...she said they just stood there.  What a positive and affirming message she puts out there for children!

Day 4:  Monday

By 11 am I had heard nothing (mind you my kids were asking "when’s Dayna coming, when's Dayna coming…” like kids in a candy store) so I texted Jen and said "what's the plan." She said she had not seen Dayna yet and said "let me find out.”  The next text was "youngest child and I are headed over there; it’s not good…" and so she came over and explained to me some of what had transpired in their home since Dayna arrived.  She said Kevin was trying to get her out of the RV to come because he is now thoroughly pissed about a zillion things but that now she was not fulfilling her responsibility to us.  

I was in shock...but in no way could fathom the extent of ALL that had happened.  The best thing I could muster from that conversation was confirming my instinct that Dayna did not come here to help us but rather for her personal agenda with the Greens. We were all upset of course; my primary concern was how to help my kids through more broken promises and being manipulated and lied to from an adult they loved.  Jen left...we managed through and I talked with Jen off and on about what all was happening.  

The kids kept on insisting they wanted to see Dayna so I offered for Dayna to come here… thinking maybe if she left their house she would "snap out of it??" to help the kids or at least keep her word. We decided to try so we went and picked her up at 3 pm on Monday. She was a mess.  She kept saying "I don't understand why they are kicking me out.”  She was rambling and visibly upset. I was aware of some of the intimate details of what had happened at the Greens but said nothing to her.  I honestly had an incredible amount of empathy for her.  I am a "healer" and a "fixer" by nature so that part of me kicked in.  

Dayna immediately went to our guest room (spent about 10 minutes with the kids and told them she was sick and needed to rest). She stayed in that room the entire time she was here.  I spent hours listening to her beat herself up about "kissing that dude...that's what changed everything" her feelings for Jen and "am I gay?"  I think now that because I am gay that is how she could connect with me.  She opened up about her past abuse (as a child) and how that manifested itself into her actions with men (letting them abuse her now).....including her husband.  She shared things with me that I won't talk about here because they are someone else's story to tell.  She talked about what a loving relationship Jen and Kevin have and that my partner and I have and she said "I could so see myself living that way.  I explained that gay couples do indeed lead very "normal" partnership lives. She kept wanting me to ask Jen or Kevin if they would talk to her.  The kids kept wanting to spend time with her.  She would let them come in for a few minutes and then say, "I need to rest" or "I just need to talk to your mommy a little longer and then I'll get up, I promise.”  When she would close the door, they would knock and she would say "Just give us a few more minutes”  and ignore them.  I finally, at one point said, "Dayna, I HAVE to take care of the kids" and walked out.

Dayna asked for juice (for her vodka, which I didn't realize she had until much later after she got here). So I waited on her, as did the kids (they just wanted to help her.)  :-(  We got her water, food… whatever she needed... checked on her.  I watched Sydni and Ashleigh’s kind spirit and need to fix kick in. She kept telling the kids how sick she was and "I just need to rest and I promise I'll come out and be here for you. Tomorrow will be better... etc., etc., etc."

We were scheduled for our group meet up on Tuesday and talked about her going but she said she just couldn't and... well…  maybe she could she would see how she felt Tuesday morning...anything to get them off her back and then return to wanting me to sit with her and talk about what had transpired at the Greens. She kept saying, "I feel so bad...I am supposed to be here helping you and you are helping me."  No shit...  Even in all of this, we kept talking about living authentically and Dayna going home and getting help and taking care of herself.  She kept saying she didn't know who she was or what she wanted... she needed to figure it out.  And I get that. and was empathetic to it.

This went on from 3 pm to about 11 pm. I was exhausted and the kids and I fell asleep on our couches.  At 3 am, Dayna woke me up and said "Hey can you help me get on Wifi..I need to check in with Joe."  I, of course, did, but am like " know rest (or lack of it) is one of my issues and you really had the balls to wake me up to get on Facebook?"  Well… and then she had left her charger at the Greens so she borrowed my Ipad.  I just thought "how incredibly selfish."  And even at that...I sat in the room with her for another two hours… until about 5:30 am listening some more.

Day 5:  Tuesday

Group Meet up day. Dayna called me into her room around 8 and said, "I really think I need to go to a hospital or clinic because I'm not feeling better and I think I just need to get some antibiotics (of course by this time I knew in my gut she was not physically sick because of all she had told me.)  I am also thinking..."I have five kids in my house, we are supposed to leave in a few in the hell am I supposed to pull this one off?"  I remembered that I had some antibiotics and she said "Oh that would be great."  I found them and there were just enough for her to take until she could get home to her own doctor.  Thank you, Universe.   The kids woke up and of course wanted to know if Dayna was better.  We gave her her birthday present..a beautiful rainbow headband and a card they all signed (she left the cardL)  It was about 9:30 and she was still in our guest room with the door closed.  I told them to go ask her so they did and she said she just couldn't.  Two of the kids wanted to stay and Dayna told them "I'm gonna stay here and sleep but will be ready to hang out when you get back.  I will definitely not miss your barrel race competition."   They asked "can we wake you up when we get back if you are asleep?"  She said "Of course."  She said she needed to shower so my oldest put fresh towels out in the bath for her.  We told Dayna we would be gone 3-4 hours. Went to the group meet up and as we were leaving at 3, I was asked to not leave; Jen needed to speak with me but was on the phone with XXXXXXX (the person who Dayna went to stay with from my house).  I was asked if I wanted Dayna to leave my home and I said, "I think its best; she is not going to snap out of it and it is just creating more issues with the kids."  

We got back at 4 (one of Jennifer's friends followed us back as arrangements had been made to take her from our house to XXXXX's house).  My oldest immediately went to the bathroom to see if Dayna had showered.  Dayna had PROMISED her that she would attend her barrel racing competition; the Green kids were also competing.  I won't forget the look of utter disappointment on her face that Dayna had not moved.  Transport person came in and told me that Dayna wanted to see me so I went in there and Dayna said, "I'm sorry I have to leave.  I just can't do it."  I said, "Fine but I want you to go in there and tell the kids goodbye!"  She said, "Ok...I can do this, I can go to the barrel race, I promised them."  She got up, walked out of the house without speaking to my kids, and got in the transport person's vehicle.  I had no interaction with her at the barrel race competition.  She did snuggle with one of my younger kids and as soon as the kids finished competing, she was ready to go.  She did hug my oldest goodbye before she left.  My oldest asked her if she was gonna be at their riding lesson on Wed morning (another commitment she had made with the kids) and she said "I don't know how I will feel...but call me tomorrow." WTF??  My child call you?  Selfish, Self-absorbed.

So my summary of it all:  The only communication I have had with the Martins since then is a message saying they had sent my refund for the Unnanny fee, they were sorry and wished me well.    I am grateful to have been refunded that money.  However, I still paid them to have this most unfortunate experience.  The $75 change fee from the first visit.  The $250 air fare from this visit.  And then there is the $550 for RE (see below).  I am not one to get hung up on money; however, the principle of the matter is I paid for professional services I did not get.  Although I understand that she is a recovering perfectionist so SHE obviously gained something from the experience here.

Some of the very issues I had hoped Dayna could help me with (how I can parent differently to help my kids let go of anger over abandonment, broken promises, mistrust of adults, putting the responsibility for having a relationship with the adults onto the kids, etc., etc.) is exactly what she did to them. I spent the better part of a month in the all too familiar place of picking up the pieces of their shattered souls.  My oldest was furious at me for days.  She continued to try to message Dayna (on the sly of course because Joe would read Dayna's message and might beat her up and my daughter did not want to be responsible for that.)    I won't even go into the acting out that occurred other than to mention that a few days after Dayna left, my daughter went on a rampage and completely tore up the house… knocking pictures off the bookcase, clothes off the table, clearing the kitchen counters... I recorded it on my phone, sent it to Jennifer, and said "HELP!!"  What do I do?  She was here in 15 minutes and helped me resolve it but...HEARTBREAKING!!!!  Gratefully, that seemed to be the release my daughter needed to begin to heal.

I had resolved to release Dayna to her journey and just continue on ours... until she went back home to go into "damage control" mode at the expense of my family and the others effected here (quite frankly, damage control began before she even left Texas) with comments such as:

1.  The only reason we brought her to Texas was to “get the kids off my back".  Really?  If that was the case I would have paid a babysitter  and taken a vacation.

2.  "That family can't be helped...I am not a trauma counselor."  OK…then you shouldn’t be advertising your amazing services to help families transition.

3.  "I told them I was sick and no one would help me."  Bullshit. 

And then there's the whole RE ticket issue...posting on the RE page and having my posts deleted.  (See Jennifer's blog #2).  

Anyone who knows me knows I go above and beyond to give folks the benefit of the doubt.  Dayna was no different.  I truly felt so much empathy for her when she was in my home.  I listened, I held her hand, I tried to reason, I tried to meet her needs...I didn't know her personally at all other than her being the unnanny .  I felt helpless and I wanted nothing more from her other than (1) snap out of it for the sake of my kids and when that wasn't going to happen (2)  go home and do some soul searching, healing, making amends, and moving forward.  

Going home and making her failure here in Texas about my family and the other folks she affected... not cool.  So I share this story in the hopes that other families, newbies or seasoned RUers, will be a little more aware.  I am not the first person to have been taken for a ride and most likely won't be the last.  Hopefully I will raise awareness for anyone who needs it to spare a little pain in the world.  Namaste.



  1. Patti I'm so pleased you shared your story. THIS is the reason people are angry with Dayna. There is no "personal vendetta" against her. This is about services people are paying good money for and she is unable to deliver. My heart breaks for your children. Poor Sydni, I am so sorry she was let down like that. And you're other kids too. I really hope Sydni shares her story as I am sure it will help her heal and we are all here to support her. I actually think it's a good thing she got so angry and trashed the house - although it's hard on the parent, it's actually good she had some form of release. I cannot believe Dayna has absolutely no remorse about this. None. Look what she did to your family and she couldn't care less. It's all "poor me", "look how they're persecuting me". She has some nerve. Hearing the story from your perspective gives it a whole other slant - the sheer sadness of what you and your kids went through, not to mention it still costing you money. How dare she not refund your RE tickets at the moment, especially after everything she's put you through. I already disliked her, but having read this I feel thoroughly sick in my stomach. She has no compassion for others, no empathy, no remorse, she is devoid of all of these human emotions. Much as I pity her in some ways, she has no right using people like this for her own gain. She is a disgrace of the highest order.

    1. Thank you, London Girl. It was not an easy decision to put it out there that is for sure. One of the things I have had to wrestle with is operating from my belief system, my way of treating people, my value system...which is completely different from the place she operates from...but thinking she is operating from that place (if that makes sense) I believed..and STILL want to believe..the things she advocates but just can't allow myself anymore..the things she is posting on her blog.."the poor me, they are lying and being mean". I would feel that way too. BUT I WOULD NEVER EVER TREAT PEOPLE THIS WAY. AND I OWN MY SHIT TO A FAULT. I felt "honored" that she felt safe enough to "confide" shit to me...UNTIL SHE WENT HOME AND DID NOTHING DIFFERENT. Thankfully, the bus did not run over me completely and I was intact enough to share my truth! Thank you for your have no idea how much strength it has given me over the course of these blogs to allow myself to feel and release my anger:-)

  2. I would like to offer your family whatever help that I can, in light of what you have been through. No charge. I'm not a therapist but may be able to offer something. So sorry that you all experienced this. School-free living is supposed to be a beautiful thing.
    Best to you,

    1. Laurette, I love this offering for Patti! Thank you so much!

    2. Laurette: Thank you so much for your kindness. Not even this experience can take away from my intent and desire to unschool. That I am 100% sure of. While the lessons I am taking away from my experience with Dayna are not at all what I intended them to be, one of them is that it has led to some truly authentic connections in the unschooling community. I am much stronger, wiser and capable than I ever gave myself credit for before this. Your kind energy...and that of the greatest help for me in this moment. Many thanks:-) Patti

    3. I am much stronger, wiser and capable than I ever gave myself credit for".

      Sounds like you've got it, Patti. :). That really is it... The answers are always within :). Goodonya!


  3. WOW.

    This really puts the pieces of the story together.

    Thank you for sharing your experience. Setting everything else aside: HOW UNPROFRESSIONAL! This business should be shut down. How disgusting! Who the hell takes a client's children to a bar to get drunk? Who does that?



    xxx Michelle Pippin

    1. You are welcome, Michelle. I am still shaking my head as more of the story unfolds:-( It has been an experience like none other, that is for sure. Patti

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sure Jennifer. Let me know. :).

  5. Jennifer, Wow.. wow... wow.. WOW! not because I am surprised but precisely because I am NOT and yet, it is still infurating to me how many families get taken over and over again. All for the glorification of one person who instead of receciving much-needed mental help and some good honest introspection, seek and find followers instead. I have written about parents been taken advantage of by GURUS before and I am inspired to write again, this time citing back to your blog here so parents can be warned and can SEE for themselves the extend of this damage. I hope you don't mind. I have experienced my own bizarre Dayna Martin trip to the twilight zone, but it is NOTHING compared to what you, this family and others have experienced.

    Thank you for putting this out there as I know it will empower other victimized families to do the same.

    if you have any questions or anything feel free to reach me at


    1. Thank you so much Desiree. I know what you mean. I am not surprised as I hear the new stuff each day, but I am still surprised at the same time. She blows me away. The depth of the deception is unreal. Of course it is fine that you write a blog and link to here. The more people that are aware of this, the more people can make an informed decision and not just be blind. I started reading your blog earlier and got interrupted, so I need to get back to that as well. Thanks! Jen

  6. I never intended to enter this conversation until information was spread about me that I wished not to be spread. I am a peacekeeper, and want to maintain friendship with both Magickal Housewife and Dayna Martin. I am the one that talked to Dayna about the suicide note I received from my boyfriend on Easter. While talking to Dayna, she did tell me that she had an experience sort of like his presence. I personally had several experiences of his presence as well following the suicide note. When you don't know if someone is alive or dead, your mind really fucks with you. One day, you have a feeling he's alive, one minute, you have a feeling he's dead. That day, I had a feeling he was dead. I believe in experiences such as the one Dayna had. I also don't believe that "He's dead" is the only explanation. They could come from the person being in an altered mental state, or a dream. Some things are just a mystery. While I was talking to Dayna, and she was having this experience, I was sobbing. To me, at that moment, I felt like it meant he was dead. I went home, and contemplated. I decided that I was not ready to give up on my boyfriend just yet. I called Dayna back and told her this. I told her about his frail mental state, the fact that it was midnight in Korea when we talked and he may have been asleep and dreaming. Until I heard from his mother on May 5th stating that she had gotten a short note from him at the end of April, I was all over the place emotionally. Even now, I am still very much concerned about him and the fact that he has no way to get help without adversely affecting his career. I will never be mad at Dayna for what happened in that phone conversation. Never. She was feeling my pain. If anything was misunderstood between Dayna and I, I forgive her. I also forgive Magickal Housewife for posting this information when she promised me not to. I was betrayed for a few minutes, but it's ok Jamie. Everyone please let go of this anger. It's not worth it. Dayna is taking steps in the right direction. My boyfriend in Korea (who I have not spoken to since the suicide note because he's mad I tried to get him help and spoke to his mother) has had a life of difficulty that if I spelled out here would blow all of your socks off. He's been through more than any of us can possibly wrap our heads around. This life is his hell. He has taught me to not be upset at the little things. This is really petty, and peace needs to be kept! I just want to extend a hand of love and peace to Dayna, Jamie, and anyone else who may be reading this no matter what "side" they are on. Let Dayna alone. She is taking steps to better her life, which we all should be doing no matter where we are in life. Peace.

    1. This is petty? Wow! Well thank you for that judgment that you have taken upon yourself to make, in all your peaceful words and shit. You actually sound a lot like Dayna. Your experience is clearly more important than mine, so you have fun with that. I am happy you are not mad at Dayna and I am happy you can live in fairy land where no one takes advantage of anyone else. Dayna is not getting any kind of help she needs. If she were, there would be healthy differences in her writing. She is only escaping history by hitting the delete button over and over. It will not work this time. You can not delete me like a paragraph you want to revise in your blog. In addition, you found it important to try to shame me by saying this is not for the betterment of me or the sanity of unschoolers in general. You are passive aggressive. Read the totality of all 3 blogs and then come back and we can talk. Petty is not a valid assessment, as it is I and the others who were affected that will decide that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I also forgot to mention, when I called Dayna back and told her I was not ready to give up on my boyfriend, she said, "Then I'm not giving up on him either."

  8. And I meant to say I believe "He's dead" is NOT the only explanation.

  9. Ok, so this is going to sound odd, but I feel I must say it. This is actually quite a refreshing perspective on the life of Dayna Martin. What I mean is, I have been following her for a few years and it all just sounded too good to be true. It all sounded a little to "Here we are living a perfect life in our rainbow bubble of enlightened consciousness" and "Our way is the best way and I respect others choices, but here let me post some things that totally blast and attack parents who do it differently just so I can be right" sort of way. There has always, to be, been something about all that she puts out there that just doesn't ring true. The thing is, I am sure that ALL of you could have dealt with this "breakdown" much better had she not spent the last several years making herself out to be someone that something like this could never happen to. She has spent a lot of time being sure that she looks perfect and happy and above the things that get to the rest of us, now that it is catching up with her it seems that she has a lot of issues that she has wished away over the years and are now catching up to her. I truly wish her the best and I hope that she is able to heal and get to a more authentic place in her life.

    1. Thank you, Me! You are very correct on your assessment. She is in the public eye and that does make it more difficult to fall from. The higher you build yourself up to be, the further you have to fall to hit bottom. I am not talking about the fake bottom she refers to in her blog. The real bottom, where she releases the need to still make sure her followers are there and feeling sorry for her. When she hits bottom, all that will matter is the love of her family. You are also correct about how we were forced to deal with it. I attempted to get her help. She wanted no part of it. She continued to not get help by leaving here and blaming me and Patti's crazy kids for everything. She got what she asked for. She got the attention she was seeking.

    2. And you know what's sad Me, Inappropriately? That so many who follow these "experts" end up doing the same to others. Having members diss out others in forums, communities etc. because they tell their children to brush their teeth, or have limits on TV, computer etc or if the children decide they want to use a "curriculum" to learn a subject or whatever when they are themselves telling their kids to brush their teeth and have limits on TV, computer, video games etc, but are giving them others the impression they let the children decide.

  10. Yes. And while she is healing and finding herself, she should stop hiring herself out as a parenting expert.
    It boggles my mind that people are defending her and condemning Jennifer for "exposing Dayna Martin's personal life". Let's not forget that this is a person who is MARKETING HERSELF as a parenting expert. Fine, she's hit a rough patch... having a bad time.... whatever. But she should not be trying to hide it all (by lying about the people she has hurt), paint over it, and move on like nothing has happened.
    It is also interesting to note that the comments on Dayna's blog are moderated. She is not allowing any critical comments to post. Whereas Jennifer has allowed comments of dissent as well as those of her supporters. Actions tell a lot.

    1. Thank you mom! I am here for the truth and the truth is ugly sometimes. I will not pretend I do not have people angry with me. Why would I? What purpose does it serve to live in a fake world? What Dayna does by moderating, deleting, and changing is exactly what I expected to happen if she was not ready to be honest with herself. She also claims that she has received multiple email threats and I am putting her life in danger. Ok, so share those. Expose those people who are threatening you. Go to the police. I do not believe she is being bullied for a second. She has cried wolf way too many times just since I have known her. She claimed to get threats after wife swap and every other difficult time in her life. She wants people to feel sorry for her. She feeds off of their energy when they go to war for her. Like you said, she is a public figure, so be public about who you really are. We are human. Why does she think people will believe she is superhuman?

  11. The fact that Patti didn't call the police after Dayna supposedly took her children into a bar is mind boggling. Patti went back for more. The fact that she would take time to write a rambling diary of this account also suggests that Patti herself has some issues. Okay, you had a bad experience. End of story. You can let us know in no uncertain terms without all this gossip and nonsense. I mean, really, don't you have a family to attend to? Go live your life. Buyer beware!

    1. Dancing Mama: That is certainly an interesting, judgmental perspective:-) I did not find out about the bar incident until last week, well after Dayna left. Thanks for your thoughts!

    2. Wow Dancing! How would taking a child in to a bar be reason for calling the police? Children can be in bars, go in to liquor stores, and even drink in Texas. Learn facts before you make yourself look silly. The fact that Patti took the time to write this post is because she is attempting to heal herself where Dayna left open wounds that she never had any intention of stitching up. Rambling? We could fill up a book much larger than the bible with all the spiderweb crap she pulled on us. A bad experience is having a tire blow out on the freeway. Dayna caused a 200 car trainwreck that was never investigated and left dead bodies thrown around. Do not take her experience as nothing and see poor Dayna's sadness as the end of the world. It is ridiculous that you think you can put this in a category with the likes of gossip talking about Brittney going commando. I am going to let you go with a very health fuck off. Patti is attending to her family by ensuring their mom can work through the very real trauma that occurred.

    3. Dancing Mama, to add to what Patti and Jennifer said above, why is it that you focus on the wrong thing? Meaning, your focus is the "bad experience" Patti had with the "Unnanny" services, or as you and a few others see it, attacking Dayna on a "personal" level.

      This isn't about attacking Dayna. This isn't just the fact that she took those kids into a bar. Finish that thought, please. She took those kids into a bar with no concern of *their* needs after the children thought they were going to go do something fun with her, as she promised. To Dayna, going into the bar was "fun". To the children, not so much. They thought they were going bungee jumping or riding ponies, correct? She promised to hang with them, thus giving the impression that the focus would be on them, the children. But, no, that's not how it played out, is it? The focus was on Dayna getting liquored up as they were "privileged" enough to stand and watch her slam down a couple of drinks.

      I've read Dayna's book, and even gave a glowing review of it on Amazon. However, I must have missed the chapter on how to ignore children after you've promised to do something fun that they would enjoy. Would you be so kind as to direct me exactly where that principle is promoted within RU, Dayna's book or any of Dayna's advice?

      Thank you in advance.

  12. I"m glad to see that most of the comments are supportive of both Jen and Patti. I cannot understand why anyone could NOT be supportive (like the few that above). I wasn't there, but reading through the details I was brought there to, almost, feel what it was like. I say almost because I cannot imagine the world of hurt that Dayna caused Patti and her family (as well as others!). Dayna is trying, unsuccessfully, to frame this whole train wreck as someone else's fault. She's try to deflect, gain pity, keep her status as Queen RU of the World. But this story has been told before a gazillion times. She is going to fall hard. What she needs to do is stop the pity party and do something about her problems. But someone who doesn't believe they have a problem won't help themselves. So I seriously doubt she'll do anything. Having read all of these blog posts (and comments), accounts from people all over the US, and people that I know personally, I have come to the conclusion that Dayna is a facade of a human being. She portrays one thing and does another. She is a complete and total fraud. I admit I got sucked in like many others. Thankfully I never hired her directly for anything. For those that still support her: I get where you are. I wanted to believe the facade I was seeing too. Everyone wants to hope. But sometimes reality is a wake up call. All the time, we need to trust we are our own guru. Never again will I look to one human being as a person to follow. Dayna, please stop the nonsense, admit you aren't who you say you are, step down and let the community go. It will only be a matter of time before you are revealed for the fake that you are! Give it up! Stop hurting people! Move on!

  13. Was DM ever on the Oprah show? I don't know because I never heard of her until she and Joe asked me to friend them in FB a while back. I friended them thinking they were just unschoolers. I have since unfriended them. She states here (in 2011) that she was going to be on the Oprah show:

    Valerie Fitzenreiter

    1. Hi V, no she was never on Oprah. It was on her vision board. She really believes in them and that is great, expect she actually believes in them, like she imagines they happened. I am sure it was all make believe like the rest of her life, BUT I can not say for certain. I do not think she was ever contacted. Just like Wife Swap. They claimed that they were called and begged to be on there, but that is not the case. They bugged the crap out of the producers and proved that they were crazy enough to be exciting on TV.

  14. I'm sorry for your pain but I have to question the integrity of a person that would go far enough to point out that Dayna may have cheated on her husband and that he husband beats her but draw the line at not sharing what she was struggling with because that's 'not your story'.
