Sunday, July 21, 2013

Watching the Unschooling Pieces Crumble - Part 8 of Dealings With a Guru

Response to Blog 3

I am not sure what version of the blog post this is, due to the numerous revisions that have occurred. I am using the latest one that I have to respond to. Below is Dayna’s blog found at……..
To respect copyright laws, I have left out the bulk of their blog post. Please see the Sparkling Martins or myself for the full content.

This morning I woke up feeling hopeful. I am sitting with the realization that I have had relationships in the past that end badly and I am asking myself, why. I feel people pointing and laughing right now. So much childhood shit is being stirred and triggered that it is hard to stop myself from reeling through this. I see anger and hatred from people. Holding the space for this energy to move through me is the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. My ego is screaming that it wants to be loved so much right now, yet it is hard to keep that channel open because of shame and regret. I know the love is there, it just isn't apparent at times where I am looking elsewhere."

My responses…………..

I am confused as to why you need to ask yourself why? You are the common denominator here in every single relationship that has ended badly. You need to go no further than your own actions and plots to take something from others for your own benefit.

So many times I have seen you reference the fact that people are looking at you NOW, when they were not before, but you wanted to be this public figure. You have told me numerous times that you thrive on the attention and you even told my husband that your favorite thing to do is TV because everything is fake, just like real life. So people may be pointing, but they are pointing at both of us for different reasons and if people are laughing, it is because laughter is healing and this is pretty traumatizing for all those who followed you for so long.

If this is bringing up childhood shit, that is great. It is the only way that you could ever possibly heal fully. What anger and hatred are you seeing from people? I really wish you would share some of it, so maybe others could understand these threats you keep talking about.

Holding the space for energy to move through does nothing to further YOUR growth. You need to face what you have done to so many or you will always be running from your past, as you still claim to be doing now.

Your ego is screaming and it wants to be loved. Isn’t that all you have received from your family and the general public? I mean, your husband has simply chosen to ignore all other points of logic and has decided to support you anyway. That is love. You have what you are seeking. All you have gotten is your ego stroked on a daily basis. It is now time for you to experience what it is like to be everyone else; a regular Joe, if you will. What are you shameful for and what do you regret? I would love to see specifics because you cannot hope to heal without coming clean.

This is your opportunity to tell your side of the story. We have absolutely nothing to hide and you know this. My children are fully aware of what happened because it happened to them directly. Do not use the excuse of not wanting to hurt their parents. I am begging you to please come up with some shred of evidence-based information that I would be ashamed of you telling the world about.

You would rather people just think what they want instead of you having to be right? Are you being serious? That is your comeback? You are the better person by staying silent and taking the brunt of the anger and hatred? This is not a strength; it is a copout.

Please also share with us what fears you had that caused you to be inauthentic while in Texas? You did not seem scared at all except when you played the fear card to get your way.

So you say that you open up too quickly with people. That makes it sound like we befriended you and pushed you to trust us. You were the one that started every single thing that began way back in October 2012. You made the first move every single time. You invited yourself to my daughter birthday party. You invited us to Florida in December. You decided to come to Texas in April and then again in May. You said you wanted to have a baby with my husband so you would know what it is like to have a child that comes from love. You do not open up quickly. You throw yourself in the direct path of anything appealing. You have always gotten everything you want.

So you have a lot to work on. What do you need to work on exactly? What did you just admit? All you said was that you have stuff to let go of, but as I remember, we were left here to hold on to what you did and you gave yourself permission to totally release it because you could not handle the stress.

How do you have feelings of not belonging? You involve yourself in every aspect of every person’s life that interests you.

Perfectionism? I cannot see how you can take that word and apply to you. You do not care about being perfect. You care about being right. You care about winning.

What type of inner work have you done? What kind of help have you received to allow you to view your ego so clearly?

People don’t see you as perfect. They see what you present to them and that is an unattainable goal of superhuman proportions. They see you as this because you told them to. You are the little voice that is inside their heads, telling them they are not good enough parents. I can say this because I had that voice and I have been told by numerous people that they were all so depressed and overwhelmed attempting to be more like you, because of that voice. That is one thing, but then for them to find out that they also did not trust their intuition that alerted them to the fact that something just wasn’t right with your advice. This is very tough for many people and I am sure they would like to know who the real Dayna is.

I do not want to go in to LOA, so I will just say this….LOA works off of intention, not positive laced lies that you say out loud. You are living LOA this very minute. You created this.

Do you realize how you talk? You are always the victim and everyone else is always at fault. These are things you said………… OTHERS have felt let down by the reality of who I am, THEY see me flawed, THEY see my embarrassment. This is about you being innocent and everyone else being at fault for how you present yourself.

Damn this is painful. I really really hope it is. If this is happening to you and you are only planning your next move instead of actually working on healing, then that is a very bad sign. What are you doing to lessen this great pain that only you are experiencing?

You are not present with your kids right now? When ARE you present with them? You have Joe care for them because you are too busy to be bothered by being a parent or because you have to get paid to help other families. And if you were ever concerned about them, you would not have planned to take them from their own home and move them here without even telling them your plan.

I am very happy to hear you will be taking a break from enlightening the world with your gifts. This is wonderful news and I hope that you stick with that promise. What worries me is that you plan to bounce back from all this by the time RE comes around. How is that possible? This is a time when you should be receiving hospitalized treatment for your diagnosis. Have you even gone to get a diagnosis or are you waiting and hoping to ignore this long enough until it fades away? Your health and your family should be the priority, not a conference. What happened to your multiple attempts to express you have hit bottom? Where is bottom for you? It seemed to be there just a day ago.

Patti and I have no interest in face-to-face mediation with you at this time. This is our mediation. The blog posts and responses are as close as I chose to be to you. If you cannot give me an ounce of truth in your blogs, why would you do that in person? My prediction is that you wish for me to agree to that, so we can stop this conversation and put it off for another month. No thank you. I plan to be fully done with you by then.

I have chosen to not respond to the individuals commenting on their blog at this time. They are in the same position I was in before and they are choosing to believe you. That is fine and they all have their own path. I was happy to at least see that a few comments with small amounts of negativity made it through this time. It is a step forward, but showing all comments would do a much better job of reflecting who these hateful people are that you refer to…………….


  1. With all do respect, I would appreciate it if you deleted the copy paste of my own comment to Dayna. With it up here, I believe I am vulnerable to bullying. Thank you.

    1. No problem, it is gone. I did not realize that people would feel the possibility of bullying when it was on their public blog already.

    2. Yeah, but this blog is different.

  2. Jen, you said this:
    "You would rather people just think what they want instead of you having to be right? Are you being serious? That is your comeback? You are the better person by staying silent and taking the brunt of the anger and hatred? This is not a strength; it is a copout."

    I'd like to add to that. It's more than a copout. It's her playing the role of the Martyr. She's placing herself upon a cross she's built (or Joe built it, perhaps...he is good at his craft), selected just the right Crown of Thorns to adorn her bandaged head and nailed herself upon it, weeping.

  3. Oh my. I've stayed quiet watching this whole thing unfold, I'm not directly involved in any of it after all, but I just have to say my heart is breaking for your sweet girl. I hope she can learn to trust again and to find other healthy, positive unschoolers (thankfully, there are so many out there!) to help her heal.

    It seems that the "Spark"ling Martins are nothing but firestarters who leave a path of destruction and burned bridges wherever they go and in the lives of whomever they touch.

    And as badly as I feel for their outside victims, I feel worse for the Martin kids. They have to live with this insanity 365 days a year. Think about the destruction Dayna leaves when she's only been in/around peoples' homes for a matter of days... the realization that 4 children have lived their entire lives with that is stunning.
